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Re: Roof fit

To: spitfires@autox.team.net, tom@tomh.demon.co.uk
Subject: Re: Roof fit
From: "Dean Dashwood" <ddashwoo@ect.enron.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 10:38:47 +0100

> 1) Has anyone /ever/ managed to get a water-proof fit on a spit soft-
> top?


> 2) Is the seal on a hard-top any better?


> (no more
> embarrassing stains on my trousers when I get to work... well, not from
> the car anyway). Am I about to waste my money?

I would suggest that your money would be better spent on some kind of
water-proof trousers - or just tape some plastic bags over your legs when
driving in rain!

>From your description, though, yours sounds particularly bad.  On my Spitfire,
with the soft top up, almost no water comes in from the top of the windows,
except right at the front where there is a small gap where the
window/windscreen/hood meet.  This sounds far dryer than your car....  As for
the hard-top, I can't really complain about mine leaking a bit, since my fitting
kit is "incomplete" (it attaches in 3 of the 6 places it's supposed to...)


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