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Re: Theft Proofing

To: "Bradley D. Richardson" <brichard@us.oracle.com>,
Subject: Re: Theft Proofing
From: "James Carpenter" <james.carpenter@jccsystems.swinternet.co.uk>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 00:20:57 +0100
By a flashing LED.

Keep a fire extingisher by your side neer the door.

Big Heavy secruity bar.

You can get the 10Kv security bars in the Uk leagaly, they produce this
spark which travels arround the bar handle.  There was also this chap who
also charged his whole car with 10kV but because he proved that the design
he used could not kill anyone this security gard who mucked about with his
car inspecting for car bombs could not sue him.

Remove the rotor arm in dodgy areas.

Get one of these smoke security devises.

Don't bother with the new hood and paint job.

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