All this talk of theft proofing-I'm assuming that we're not talking about
spits, but about things like Hondas...after all-look at the list of most
popular cars to steal...and they don't even really go after Jags and MB too
I had this discussion with my grandmother yesterday-everyone at her house
drives Japanese-and have had theft problems (well, my one cousin had a
thousand dollars worth of stereo equipment alone!) Whilst I...have only had
minor (albeit annoying) vandelism from the little brat who live inside my
gated complex!
I made a bet with her-which she refused-$1000 that on a list of the 200 top
stolen cars-Triumph and Spitfires would not be among them! --Darn, and she
Which is not to say that I'm foohardy in any sense-I have a pop out stereo
(cheap Auto Vox brand), a club and I don't go in 'hoods that I shouldn't-and
I am careful after dark. I don't wear expensive jewelry/watch or a diamond
engagement ring. Usually, would be thieves watch and observe-so, I guess
they know to stay away from me! And nobody bothers me!
No, it's vandels and carelees people in parking lots that are my main area
of "fear".
Laura "lived & travelled all over the world and never got ripped off,
molested or (darn!) had my butt pinched" G. and Nigel