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RE: strange turn signal problem

To: "'Triumph TR 7'" <tr7@primenet.com>,
Subject: RE: strange turn signal problem
From: David Brock <davidb@ilx.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 14:09:58 -0400
TR7: (Not sure to whom I'm talking...)

This is a really humble opinion, and I'm sure you'll get some others, but
something comes to mind here-

the blinker switch, I beleive, is a bi-metal switch that uses the heat from
the current to 'blink' so if the current isn't what it's supposed to be, the
thing will eirhter blink far too rapidly or too slowly- sometimes slowly
enough that it doesn't blink at all- the current isn't even sufficient to
flip the blinker's internal switch.

What's that mean- originally, I thought that you had a short somewhere, but
that would mean  *more* current, and a fast blink, so I would suspect that
you have a *break* in a line somewhere that means that the current drawn by
the little bulb at the front is not sufficient to make the blinker blink.
You said, though, that the rear ones work fine... both sides (right when you
put the right signal on, but the dash signal still isn't working?) I'm a
little puzzled, byut I'd suggest looking at the *back* of the car- it's
possible that the rear indicator light has a break and thus the bulb up
front isn't drawing enough current, OR possible, since you say that the rear
right hazard light isn't working, maybe it's wired into the turn signal
circuit, and it's the one that has a break in the wiring?

Again, remember, my opinions are my own, and usually proven wrong.  Also,
when I buy stock- you'd be advised to sell it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Triumph TR 7 [mailto:tr7@primenet.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 1999 3:39 AM
To: Spitfires
Subject: strange turn signal problem

Thanks for all the suggestions I got in a quick and timely manner about my
temprature sensor. It now works flawlessly, kindly informing me I was maxxed
out for temprature for a 2 minute run.

Anyways, I'm now having problems with the front right turn signal  in the
bumper. It doesnt want to blink at all. The bulb is fine, since if I turn on
the headlights, it lights up.

When I use the left turn signal, I get 2 quick clicks and the indicator on
the dash flashes as well.

When I try the right, I get 2 slower clicks and it doesnt flicker on the
dash. The rear blinkers work just great, minus the hazard lights, where only
the left one blinks.

Any ideas? I checked the terminal connectors under the hood and cleaned the
contacts, but still no dice. Is this something I should be looking behind
the dash to fix?

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