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Re: ROBSON - page 10, August 99 Triumph World

To: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>,
Subject: Re: ROBSON - page 10, August 99 Triumph World
From: "James Carpenter" <james.carpenter@jccsystems.swinternet.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 22:18:42 +0100
As a younger reader, I don't read those parts of the Mag unless I am
suffering from insomnia.  I read the main glossy articles, the news, all the
running reports, and maybe the final page and down under bits. Love the
technical advice bits.  However on this occasion I did read it (yep
difficulty sleeping:-), and although offensive, I found it more boring than
offensive.  I did recognise sweeping statements in it.  Sort of thing my
grandfather would get say in a loud voice in pubs, just to get a reaction.

And as for one famous supplier shutting up, well I had herd roomers about
this.  What I had heard was that a very reliable one was closing down at the
end of the year to the owner could emigrate to Australia!  Can anyone
confirm or deny.

Mabe he was trying a different formula, to spice up the the column.  Which
sort of went wrong?

I do have a point to raise which he didn't but should have in favour, I
think that the Triumph needs to corner off it's anoraks and train spotters
types in the sides, and leave the more outward going interesting people in
the forefront.  The only way to beet the death of the marquee is to keep
young people interest, something the Mini does very well.  If this means
changing some journalists, and giving the concourse crowd a rival then maybe
it's for the best!  Maybe there should be some less elitist than the
concourse, something like, most loved car, or most practical, maybe most fun
and least tacky modifications!  The one I would win, maybe is most fettled

And carry on pub club meetings, there great!


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