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Re: Spitfire Camber Compensators

To: spitlist@gte.net
Subject: Re: Spitfire Camber Compensators
From: bkahler@omc.ja.dtra.mil
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 17:04:39 -1000
>I have been keeping a list of those who have already expressed interest
>and so far it seems to be strong.
>Oh yeah, Brad, you can have the first one as promised.  It is costing me
>about $250 (so far) but I'll sell it to you for $150 and write the rest
>off to future production costs.

Joe, if it would make it less painfull for you, I could always buy the 
hundredth one made instead of the first.  That way I wouldn't be getting a 
$250 item for only $150!  However I really do want "Serial Number 1" !!!! 

Never had the 1st of anything and figure this may be my last chance..........

What are the odds of having it in my hands before July 22nd?!  Be nice to 
show it off at the VTR convention in Maine.  Gee, that kind of sounds like 
free advertising doesn't it, now I don't feel so bad about the $100 loss on the 
first spring!

Keep up the good work Joe.

(looking forward to swinging the spring!)

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