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Re: Speeding tickets

To: Robb Tones <robb_tones@bc.sympatico.ca>
Subject: Re: Speeding tickets
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 16:57:57 -0700
Ordinarily, I'd agree.  But having driven in Southern California, I have
to say that if you don't go the same speed as the other (expletive
deleted), you will get run over.  So what is left is accepting the
occasional ticket and doing whatever you can to avoid the consequences. 
Hopefully, the read offenders (those that insist on darting in and out
of traffic in the incorrect assumption that they will get there sooner)
will get the bulk of the tickets and the cops will leave the "moderate
offenders" alone.


Robb Tones wrote:
> I hate to sound like a stick-in-the-mud, but don't you think that as auto
> enthusiats we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard than the rest of
> the driving public?  All this talk about geeting out of speeding tickets
> makes me wonder if we're setting a good example.
> I'll get off my soap box now.
> Robb

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