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mk2 brake fluid

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: mk2 brake fluid
From: david <engstrom@tstonramp.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 21:30:00 -0700
Greetings to all of you on this list whom I hope have reasonable
patience with what are probably old questions to longtime Spitfire
owners. Subsequent to putting dot3 brake fluid in my mk2 I read that it
will destroy the seals. Is this true? I assumed any seals available now
are not "nos" and therefore compatability was not an issue.

     I have owned, driven and worked on porsche 914's (another less
expensive but well designed and under rated car) for about the last 20
years and brake fluid types are not an issue. A few weeks ago I bought a
mk2 and think that it is a most remarkable car. It has been sitting
outside for the past decade but is in reasonable shape- all things
considered. I have repaired the brakes and have got it running. The
cooling system is full of rust, so that is next. I've greased the rear
axle bearings but am not sure about the front suspension bottom joint
(not wheel bearing) and might need some advice on what to use. I will
also top off (or replace?) the transmission and differential fluids but
am, again, in need of advice as to what to use.

Since some of you like to end your messages with thought provoking
phrases/quotes I'll throw one out appropriate to myself on this list  (for
me anywhere really):
"In this much darkness, no light is little".
Thanks,  David.

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