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To: ArthurK101@aol.com
Subject: Re: SQUAT
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 13:03:44 -0600

ArthurK101@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 18-Jun-99 15:39:58 Eastern Daylight Time,
> DPaige@ci.santa-rosa.ca.us writes:
> > Joe Curry wrote:
> > Rule number 1 is, "Never buy clothes for a woman!"  It's a no-win
> >  proposition.  You go in with the best of intentions and end up getting
> >  slapped around.  If the size is correct (which it seldom is) the style,
> >  color or any other of the possibilities is wrong.  So when shopping for
> >  a woman, the best thing to gibe her is money!  That way she doesn't have
> >  to exchange it!!!  8^)
> Joe, you are an optimist.  "the best thing" is about all one can ever do.
> There is NO WAY AT ALL to "win" - whether it's clothes, money or whatever.
> BTW - this is not new - my father, born in 1909, told me all about it.
> Cheers.
> Art Kelly (been trying - and still am - for 33 years and I still can't "win")
>  ;-)

I was trying to be "Kind".  But of course, you are absolutely correct. 
What's a man to do?  I explained to my wife one year that because I can
never please her with anything I get her, I would get her nothing that
year.  Needless to say that went over like a lead balloon!!!

Oh Well!


P.S. And never.... no never... buy kitchen appliances as gifts for a
woman.  While men really appreciate shop tools, women don't equate work
with gifts at all!!!

"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
 -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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