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Re: Back on the List

To: "Joe Curry" <spitlist@gte.net>
Subject: Re: Back on the List
From: "Tom Shirley" <tshirley@VoyagerOnline.net>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 21:01:08 -0400

> Well gang,
> Although I still have boxes and more boxes to go through, I was having
> severe withdrawals from the Triumphs and Spitfires mail lists.  So I
> re-subscribed!
> I have not had time to check the digests, so did I miss anything during
> my absence???

Gosh Joe, what a shame. While you were gone, the Triumph factory went back
into production again and gave everyone who replied a new custom built
Spitfire. Sorry you missed out on this great once in a lifetime opportunity.

Welcome back, Joe! 8^)

Tom Shirley    Sale Creek, TN
1982 Royale RP31 Formula Ford (BAD DOG Racing)
1978 Triumph Spitfire

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