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Re: Door Mirrors

To: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Door Mirrors
From: "Dianne & Ree G." <reegurley@mindspring.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 17:44:13 -0500
Fred G,
   On May 30 you asked about measurements for proper placement/installation
of outside door mirrors; I don't recall seeing a detailed response.
   My 78 1500 has the driver's/left-side mirror exactly 6" back from the
front of the door to the C/L of the first screw, and exactly 3" down from
the top of the door (the higher part where the window seal starts) to the
C/L of the screw.  This translates to the first screw being lined up
vertically with the beginning of the seal, and the second screw being lined
up vertically 5/8" behind the tonneau-cover snap.  The right-side mirror
(which was probably NOT factory-installed) is 1/4" further back and 1/4"
higher.  My mirrors, BTW, are not the round bullet-types, but the 1978 black
"puffed-up rectangle" type.

Ree Gurley in Silver Spring, MD  -  78 Spit  FM73070U O

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