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Re: California Stop?

To: pitfire Mail List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: California Stop?
From: "R. A. Woodward" <conn@wctc.net>
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 18:35:18 -0500
I've always known a "California Stop" as making a right turn at a stop sign
without coming to a full stop. New York State Troopers call it a "Hollywood
Promise," and in the Carolinas they call it a "Charleston Roll."

(Yes, I've been stopped a few times for this... I hate first gear!)

"Simmons, Reid W" wrote:

> Gee, and here I thought I had coined the phrase "California Stop".  Here in
> Oregon I use the term to refer to those drivers who accelerate upon seeing a
> yellow light, and REALLY FLOOR IT if the light is "orange" (turning from
> yellow to red).  This phenomenon seems to have been imported along with the
> influx of immigrants from that state directly "south of our border". :)
> The cops, at least here in Beaverton, have given notice that they will be
> cracking down heavily on those who "run" yellow lights when they clearly
> could have brought their car to a safe stop.
> Reid
> '79 Spitfire (who stops at those yellow lights because my soon to be
> restored Spitfire will no longer be able to "outrun any cop car, any time".)
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:   Laura.G@141.com [mailto:Laura.G@141.com]
> Sent:   Tuesday, June 01, 1999 10:44 AM
> To:     John Suchak
> Cc:     Spitfire Mail List
> Subject:        Re: Transmission
> Yep. Been there, done that. Been told (by a Ferrarri owner) it's the proper
> way to drive a Ferrarri.
> I wonder, is there where the "California Stop" came from?
> Laura G. and Nigel
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: John Suchak <suchak@mediaone.net>
> To: <Growe58@aol.com>
> Cc: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 5:32 AM
> Subject: Re: Transmission
> >
> > Growe58@aol.com wrote:
> > >  Have you ever seen anyone "dry shift" a manual gearbox without
> > > using the clutch?  They can do this because the engine speed perfectly
> matches
> > > the driveshaft speed and the gears cleanly mesh (oversimplification
> alert!).
> > > Obviously
> > > there is no way you can do this from a dead stop since the drive shaft
> speed
> > > is
> > > nothing and the engine speed is something,
> >
> > As an old aircooled VW enthusiast I have driven home several times after
> > losing the clutch cable by dry shifting.  (Actually I used to dry shift
> > those cars alot, come to think of it!)  At stop signs I'd just try to
> > crawl at idle in first, or if I *had* to stop I'd  just shut it off.
> > When it was time to go again I'd just start it in first.  Works like a
> > charm, albeit a bit hard on the starter motor.
> >
> > JS

"History shows again and again, how nature points out the folly of man."

-R. A. Woodward (conn@wctc.net)

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