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MK 2 Carb question

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: MK 2 Carb question
From: "Aidan Corcoran" <aidan@acquirer.com>
Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 10:07:40 +0100

I had my '66 Mk 2 out for a spin over the weekend, and after a 7 mile run on
a motorway (we don't have very long ones in Ireland), there was a great
smell of petrol in the cockpit. Pulling over and opening the bonnet revealed
that the overflow on the first float chamber was throwing out petrol. Now I
know I'd been driving a bit faster than I normally push the old girl, 60 Mph
or so, but petrol flying around the engine is not something I want.
Sustained speed at 50 does not have this problem at all. It also happened to
me a few weeks back when driving the car back through the Welsh mountains,
but I put it down to badly closed clips around the carbs. The second float
chamber is fine - no leaks, no overflow.

Have you guys got any ideas what might be going on?

My best gueses are:

1 The float is the first float chamber does not close properly, and so is
always allowing petrol in, and with the high revs (4000) at 60, the petrol
pump is pushing in more than is used.

2 Is there some kind of return valve on the fuel pump that is acting like a
non-return valve, and always pushing petrol into the carb system even when
it's full.

With the holiday weekend coming up, I feel a full seal refit coming on for
the carbs...

Thanks in advance,


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