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Re: The Truth About Barry Schwartz

To: BWN <bwnbcg@cruzio.com>, Spitfire List <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: The Truth About Barry Schwartz
From: Tom Shirley <tshirley@VoyagerOnline.net>
Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 21:20:48 -0400
BWN wrote:
> > This plot probably has something to do
> > with that Chinese scientist who was stealing guided missile plans at Los
> > Alamos. Come to think of it, has anyone every seen Barry and the
> > scientist together. I propose they are one and the same.
> >
> > World domination, in a Spitfire, that's what he's up to.
> Of course!  That's it!  A Laurel Green GT6+ was seen on the highway just
> outside Roswell, NM a few months ago.  Now, the mustachioed driver
> behind the dark glasses could have been none other than our elusive Mr.
> Schwartz.  However, was that really George Lucas in the other seat?  My
> sources assure me it has to have been.  These two mysterious futurists
> were also both seen sometime later at Area 51 just after dark watching
> the sky as some strange gold wheeled metallic red vehicle descended
> under a strange light beam.
> San Diego, BE WARNED!

And has anyone seen Barry and Art Bell at the same time. I'll bet Barry
poses as Art and does the radio show from Pahrumph (sp) every night
while plotting his takeover!
                                          /  \
Tom Shirley Sale Creek, TN      __     .=_.--._=.     __
BAD DOG Racing                 |  |---|<|      |>|---|  |
1982 Royale RP31M Formula Ford |  |    \ \ 18 / /    |  |
1978 Triumph Spitfire          |__|-----\<\__/>/-----|__|


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