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Re: Spitfire compression

To: Bill Kelly <kelly@dss.com>
Subject: Re: Spitfire compression
From: Ray Bryant <photoray@flash.net>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 11:04:07 -0500
Thanks Bill,

My motor is a 1500 and it was supposedly rebuilt by a PO about 10,000 miles
ago.  My 2 & 3 spark plugs have a little carbon buildup, but not much.

>Ray Bryant wrote:
>> Here are the results:
>> #1 - 118 pounds
>> #2 - 90 pounds
>> #3 - 78 pounds
>> #4 - 117 pounds
>> This was done with the distributor center wire disconected so that it would
>> not start.
>> Was this the correct way to test?
>Yes, though it's probably better to disconnect the wire from the coil to
>the distributor. Same effect, though.
>> Are these pressures OK or should they be different?
>They should be different. The 2 middle cylinders are definitely LOW. My
>Herald periodically (every 25K or so) lapses into this pattern - #2 down
>a bit, #3 down a lot. The cause in my case is burnt exhaust valves.
>There's something about the cooling in the 1147...
>What motor do you have?
>Bill Kelly

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