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Re: Cranky nuts

To: GatesDavid@aol.com
Subject: Re: Cranky nuts
From: Susan Hensley <susan@imagin.net>
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 20:33:04 -0500
Hey -- I did this with my old paperback copy of The Stand.  Maybe it scared the 
nut off...

Keep Triumphing,
Susan Hensley  :)

GatesDavid@aol.com wrote:
> Andy,
> If you get real desperate (or you need to redo your oil pan seal anyway) you
> can remove the oil pan and stuff a short piece of 2x4 or other suitable hunk
> of wood between the crank and the block.  Its guaranteed not to budge!  I had
> to do this and it still required serious abuse with an air impact gun.

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