Hi All,
Thanks to everyone who responded. OK I checked the clutch fluid
resevoir last night upon leaving work, and it was empty :-(. This
leads me to the problem of where did all the fluid go?.
I completely flushed the clutch system about 6 months ago, shortly
after buying the car. (This gave me a great improvement in clutch
operation). Then for the first 3 months I checked the fluid levels
once a month, and everything seemed fine. However recently I have
been busy with other projects on the spit, so I hadn't checked the
clutch fluid for about 3 months. (I know, a sharp rap on the
knuckles and sent to the corner for not doing my regular chores).
Anyway, a quick inspection last night showed no obvious visible
signs of a leak, and the system seems to be holding the fluid I
added last night. ( I wasn't able to crawl under the car to inspect
the master cylinder fully, just had a peek round from the engine
bay). Anyway needless to say I will be doing another flush of the
clutch system this weekend to remove any air that crept into the
system due to the resevoir being empty, and I will also inspect more
thoroughly for leaks. In the mean time though has anyone had any
problems with dissapearing clutch fliud before? i.e. where there are
no obvious signs of a leak, but the fluid just seems to dissapear
over a long period of time (3 months)? Any suggestions appreciated.
Thanks again,
79 Spitfire that eats clutch fluid -- mmm yummy