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Re: tonneau

To: Spitfire List <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: tonneau
From: "the jolly rancher..." <njaremka@eng.buffalo.edu>
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 19:24:31 -0400 (EDT)
On Sun, 31 May 1998, Atwell Haines wrote:

> Here's an interesting aside:  My brochure shows the taillight panel painted
> black, yet I haven't seen any of the local Mark IVs painted this way.  Did
> this detail make it into production?     Andy?
well, the more i hear about originality, the more on my car i believe to
be original.  this area around the tail lights on my spitfire is painted
black, however up to now i always thought that a previous owner had
painted it.  now i don't know.

nik jaremka

'72 spitfire IV

just drive it...

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