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Re: data base?

To: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>, Brad Kahler <Brad.Kahler@141.com>
Subject: Re: data base?
From: jak0pab@jak10.med.navy.mil (Bowen, Patrick A)
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 06:38:46
Joe please tell me more about this database I would like to contribute to it.

Patrick Bowen

At 01:34 PM 5/30/98 -0700, Joe Curry wrote:
>My feelings exactly.  I expect that at least 10 percent of the older
>cars are still around in some form. but In time, perhaps we will have ba
>better handle on that.  Bear in mind that I started theis list only last
>September.  So (I hope) many more will be reported as time goes on. 
>During the summer as the shows are held and people get together, word of
>the database will get passed around and more people will submit data.
>Brad Kahler wrote:
>> > Model       # Built      # Registered   %
>> > Mk1          45753             533     1.16%
>> > Mk2          37409             492     1.31%
>> > Mk3          65320             879     1.35%
>> > MkIV         70021             686     0.98%
>> > 1500         95829            1774     1.85%
>> >
>> > Notice how the percentage goes steadily up as the models advance,
>> > with the noticable exception of the MkIV's.  I wonder if more of
>> > them have been scrapped because of the great numbers built and
>> > people's reluctance to restore them.
>> Joe,
>> I'm betting that age has more to do with it than anything else.  Since
>> the real interest in these cars did start taking off until a few years
>> ago I would venture to say that the vast majority of the older cars
>> have been scrapped.  I think I mentioned this before but in 1987 when
>> I was first starting my restoration of the Mk1 I was told by the
>> salvage yard in Denver "Scotland Yard" that just that previous year
>> they had crushed more than 100 spitfires.  I can't imagine how many
>> others have done the same thing.  Sadly I don't think we'll ever
>> really know.   So I would assume simple attrition is responsible for
>> the dwindling numbers reported as they get older.
>> I know that when I did my restoration I went through 1 - mk1,
>> 1 - gt6, 1 - 1500 and robbed parts off of several cars that were in
>> the salvage yard.
>> Just my 0.02
>> Brad  (Lincoln Nebraska 402-464-1502)
>> 1964 Spitfire4            BFC25720L (In "Teething" Mode right now)
>> 1966 TR4A                CT72398L (Slowly gathering the needed parts)
>> 1951 Dodge Truck    82217766  B-3-B-108 (Frame painted, now suspension)
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