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RE: [Shotimes] Convention 2007 Update

To: "'shotimes'" <>
Subject: RE: [Shotimes] Convention 2007 Update
From: "Ken Mallinson" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 22:50:08 -0500
Ok, so I can't send an email to the SHOTimes List from my web client, have
to use my full email package to do it....and now back to our regularly
schedule email...
Sorry about that poll mix-up, I updated the two convention pages but forgot
I had copied the original poll to the main page on the site. Anyway, the
older poll has been removed and now has a link to the new final poll. 

Those of you with thoughts on where to go; please vote and tell us your
thoughts this way we can put those ideas in for future conventions. If you
want to see the convention go to a new location, please email us offline
with your thoughts, which, by the way, is how we got our final two sites for

BOTH of these sites were pushed to us from people in our own SHO community
and we are trying our best to keep it in places that have appeal and will be
fun for all. Yes, there are more famous tracks to go to, but price is a big
concern because not everyone can afford a $300+ track day every year. So
perhaps that should be another question to everyone on the website; I'll
post that on the SHOCLUB site once we are done polling for the convention

Ken Mallinson
SHO Club
Shotimes mailing list

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