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Re: [Shop-talk] This is why I don't work in IT, was: Re: Entirely not

Subject: Re: [Shop-talk] This is why I don't work in IT, was: Re: Entirely not shop related, but...
From: Wayne <>
Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2012 09:52:19 -0500
References: <> <>
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On 12/4/2012 9:30 AM, David Scheidt wrote:
> It's best buy, though, so you're
> probably stuck bitching at your credit card company.  I fail to
> understand how that place stays in business.

Competition - or lack thereof. Back during the 1990s, they ran all the 
other local chain and mom 'n' pop A/V, appliance, computer, and record & 
CD stores (remember those?) out of business. They came across as a mecca 
of electronics and good prices, and sold CDs and videos at what may have 
been loss-leader prices to get people in the store, in hopes they'd 
impulse purchase a TV or fridge.

Now as a near monopoly of brick & mortar stores, they suck and are far 
from inexpensive. But'ca know what? They make a great showroom to check 
things out before you buy from Amazon or NewEgg! (take THAT f*****s!) I 
don't despise them nearly as much as walmart, but they're getting closer.


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