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Gasket and Gasket-less Sealers

Subject: Gasket and Gasket-less Sealers
From: Derek Harling <>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 13:54:43 -0500
Thought I'd get smart and check, since we are in a new millennium, which
products are now considered best for engine rebuilding. Found the
Permatex web site and found about 6 different RTV type sealers all
recommended for sealing the same or almost the same components. Local
distributor only carries the black - "Don't need anything else".

What do listers recommend - red, blue, black, gray, copper . . . . ?  -
and Why?  (I assume the various colors aren't just to match the engine

Or do I just go back to making gaskets and spraying with Hylomar?
Speaking of which I see Permatex now markets Hylomar in tubes - all very

And when is a gasket adhesive used rather than a sealer?

I did read the handy little Permatex booklet - but there's so much
double talk I'm no wiser. For instance the Blue was referred to as "The
original RTV Sealer" - is that good? - or not so good?

I hate my engines to leak - so please - recommendations.
I'm not talking head gaskets or exhaust - even I know THEY are

Thx - Derek
(PS - that I'm rebuilding in mid November is some kind of a record.)

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