-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Landaiche
>Well, I am really trying to eliminate the noise from the compressor without
>building a room outside of the garage. So I'm open to suggestions. Those
>do build an outside closet must provide some ventilation. Are there any
>guidelines for that? Can the ventilation in an in-garage closet be sound
>baffled in some way. What do you shop-talkers think?
On the dampening of sound, I once asked my friend in the field of audilogy
about materials to use for such purposes . . . He corrected my ideas which
were somewhat confused with heat insulation and reminded me that it's
density that dampens sound . . lead sheet is good! I'm interested in
something dense, fireproof and cheap . . .Maybe some of this "cement board"
that's used to back plaster and tile would be good.
(Asphalted felt is fantastic but burns like crazy)