I've got one between shop and storage building. We called it a rollup. It works
well but was not cheap. John
Keith Kaplan wrote:
> This brings me to a related point -- does anyone have a curtain door in
> their home shop? Curtain door is the term I hear used most often for the
> style of garage door that rolls up into a drum attached to the wall just
> above the door, so it doesn't hurt your ceiling clearance, block your
> lights, etc. Seems like these would be really handy, but the folks at Home
> Depot, and almost every dedicated garage door service company in town, just
> shrug and look at me funny when I ask them about such doors. The one place
> that's heard of them never calls me back with a quote.
> Anyone near Seattle found somewhere that sells curtain doors and knows how
> to call customers back? Do you know of a mail-order garage door company?
> Yes a garage door would be big & heavy to ship, but so is a lift, and plenty
> of folks sell those mail order.
> keithka
> (read about me being a happy Rotary Lift customer at www.keithka.com)
> -----Original Message-----
> with one car at that height, I cannot open the garage door far enough
> to get another one in.