I am running the proportional valve and believe the residual check valves
setup will be fine. You would only need to install an adjustable valve on
the rear if they lock up sooner that the front, you can adjust this out.
I found the below in the archives submitted from Joe Carcia on the
subject... --wayne
--The proportioning valves are setup for the weight characteristics of the
cars and sometimes its better to just remove it and start from scratch. By
that I mean you check to see if the residual pressure valves are located in
the master cylinder outlet ports by pushing something inside the small
outlet port to feel the spring loaded valve. If they are their, you'll just
need to purchase and install a 10 lb aftermarket residual valve on the line
going toward the front brakes (because it only has a 2 lb valve for the disc
brake from the factory). You'll then have the correct pressure at all the
wheel cylinders.
If after driving the truck you have unequal braking (back brakes locking up
before the front) you can purchase an adjustable proportioning valve and
install it in the rear line.
At 12:14 AM 5/3/2005, K50Chevy@aol.com wrote:
>Anybody run disc/drum with residual check valves with out a proportioning
>If so what were your results?
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