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[oletrucks] Spare Tire Bracket

To: "Oletrucks" <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Subject: [oletrucks] Spare Tire Bracket
From: Michael E. Mendon�a
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 08:14:16 -0700
Some monts ago I purchased a spare tire bracket from one of the group members
and with all my excitement and with my truck being at the restoration shop,
I didn't really have a chance to "fit it up" against the truck until this
past weekend now that I have the truck back.  Well, after sand blasting
and priming the bracket, I realize that it doesn't really fit on the side
of the bed for supporting a wheel/tire into the fender cavity.  After thinking
about it for a few days, in fact it was while in the shower this morning,
I've finally come to realize that what I bot was a spare tire bracket for
UNDER THE BED!   Oops...my goof for not being clearer about my needs.

So, hopefully one of you has gotten a chuckle out of that and one of you
has said, "hey, I could use that bracket" and other one of you says, "I've
got one for the side of the bed that I'm willing to part with."  Please
let me know which category you fall into and send me an e-mail.


'54 Chevy 3100
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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