EFI seems to generally cost at least $2K to do as a swap and, while
capable of more than 20 mpg in a truck like yours if transmission, final drive
and tire size are also optimized for gas mileage, from previous posts I gather
that no
one who has done the swap has come close (my corvette gets 27mpg at 70mph).
Given the
relatively small incremental improvement in gas mileage (and even if it were
twice as
good), it would take a very long time to pay back the cost of the swap from
what you
would save in gasoline.
Mark Noakes
On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, "chuck clark" wrote:
> The diesel thread has been interesting but does not appear to be a practical
> swap for an AD. My 49 panel has a 350 with a mild Crane cam and a 4 bbl
> Holly (550 cfm). I use it daily in my home improvement business but I only
> get about 9 MPG around town(6 MPG on the last fillup which is probably due
> to the extreme cold weather we have been having). On the road I get about 16
> MPG. Is this normal milage performance? The truck runs good but the gas
> milage is miserable. I understand the 235 does not do much better. I also
> understand that FI would boost milage but at what cost?
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oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959