Different year 235 motors pull rocker oil off different parts of the
internal oiling system (there were several design changes of the rocker
oiling system during the course of production for 235/261 engines). Several
model years pull oil off the rear cam bearing, some models pull oil off one
of the center bearings (crankshaft or cam - one of the two). If there is no
oil on the crank/cam, then there will be no oil on the rockers. However,
given that you have oil pressure at the gauge, it stands to reason that you
either have a clogged system (probable) or you have the rocker oilers set up
(possible). I sent most of the 235 rocker oiling diagrams to Rob J. several
months ago. He is now the de facto rocker oiler expert and will have to
chime in when he gets out from under his hood (and you'll need to know what
year your motor is).
Allen in Seattle
'50 3100
----- Original Message -----
From: <Tom3600@webtv.net>
To: <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Cc: <mm@service-quality.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] New Life in my 235
Michael ~
WRONG ... you should have oil coming up through the rocker arm oiler
just by spinning the oil pump using the drill and screw driver method
that I told you about. It has nothing to do with the oil "building up
on the crankshaft. In fact it is almost standard procedure to prime
your engine oiling system using this method before actually starting an
engine after a rebuild.
Tom Poterack
Moline, IL.
'49 Chevy Pickup Retro Rod
Inliner #3511 V8's R not INLINE
Sender: owner-oletrucks@autox.team.net
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Michael_E._Mendon=E7a?=
I talked with the shop who did the rebuild and they said that oil will not
come out of the little holes unless there is a build up of oil on the crank
shaft. Does this sound right?
Chevy '54 3100
>-- Original Message --
>From: "Doug Pewterbaugh" <dpewter@email.msn.com>
>To: <Tom3600@webtv.net>,
> "Michael E. Mendonga"
> <mm@service-quality.com>
>Cc: "Oletrucks" <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
>Subject: Re: [oletrucks] New Life in my 235
>Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 09:00:58 -0500
>Reply-To: "Doug Pewterbaugh" <dpewter@email.msn.com>
>I also had the oil line blockage problem after rebuild. You can disconnect
>the line up top &, while running the drill in the pump, lightly heat the
>line (low setting on propane torch) & the crude MAY loosen & get pushed
>(worked for me). Run it into a coffee can & let it stay warmed & flowing
>till clean oil is seen.
>Doug Pewterbaugh
>Denton, TX
>49 3104 216 5-window
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <Tom3600@webtv.net>
>To: "Michael E. Mendonga" <mm@service-quality.com>
>Cc: "Oletrucks" <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 12:13 PM
>Subject: Re: [oletrucks] New Life in my 235
>> Michael ~
>> What makes you think that more exhaust is coming out one side than the
>> other? I have Fenton headers and they look pretty equal to me. Are
>> the mufflers both the same age and type? Is there more bend in one
>> exhaust pipe than the other?
>> If you do not see oil coming out of the rocker arm oiler you better take
>> off the side cover on the push rods and check the small oil line to see
>> if it is plugged up. When I started my 235 for the first time after
>> rebuild I had the same no oil problem. That line on mine was completely
>> blocked with crud. It is fairly easy to replace.
>> You can check this out without running the engine by putting a screw
>> driver bit in an electric drill and putting it down into where the
>> distributor drive is. You can get the oil pump turning fast enough so
>> that you can check if oil is going through the line up to the rocker
>> without getting your garage and truck covered with oil at the same time.
>> Tom
>> Tom Poterack
>> Moline, IL.
>> '49 Chevy Pickup Retro Rod
>> Inliner #3511 V8's R not INLINE
>> http://community.webtv.net/TOMPOT/TOMS1949CHEVYPICKUP
>> To: "Oletrucks" <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by
>> teamfat2.dsl.aros.net id g7KGhcl15698
>> Sender: owner-oletrucks@autox.team.net
>> Precedence: bulk
>> Reply-To: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Michael_E._Mendon=E7a?=
>> <mm@service-quality.com>
>> On Sunday, the ole' 235 breathed new life after nearly 7 years of futzing
>> around with her. She ran great, but I have one question. I have a dual
>> offey and fentons on her and the exhaust seemed to come out more on one
>> side vs. the other. Also, while I have full (and instant) oil pressure,
>> no oil is coming out of the small holes at the top of the rockers. Any
>> suggestions?
>> Michael
>> '54 Chevy 3100
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959