Check out the following website and I think it might
answer your question: This guy is
building a 33 Ford 3 window coupe and documenting the
whole process, start to finnish, on the website. Look
in the section "construction" and find the section
where he paints the frame body color. He uses
base/clear coat process and talks about the exact
issue you've brought up. He was advised by a
professional car painter and the reasoning makes a lot
of sense.
Good Luck,
--- Rob <> wrote:
> Speaking of paint jobs, I'm hoping there is a
> painter out there who can answer
> this:
> If I want to go base/clear, is it possible to sand
> out the base coat so that
> it is "perfect" before the clear goes on? In other
> words, color sand the base
> coat as you would a single stage paint, with
> ultimately say a 400-600 grit
> wet-paper? Obviously that would leave the base
> sorta hazy, but when I've seen
> a base/clear job done, the base is already
> intentionally hazy (maybe "FLAT"
> would be a better word to call it?)...the haziness
> disappears when you put the
> clear on (sorta like what happens when you put a
> rock into water...dull colors
> are no longer dull).
> Seems to me, that unless you can make the base coat
> "perfect", any
> imperfections in the base, will be shown in the
> clear, and then, the repair is
> more problematic. I know that normally, the clear
> coat follows right on the
> heals of the base (within a couple of hours I
> believe). Is there a point when
> it is just plain too LATE to put clear on top of the
> base, or is it one of
> those situations, where it must either be within,
> say 2 hours, or if longer
> than that, then you must wait, say a week or longer,
> ie. there is a point when
> it is ok, then not ok, then becomes ok again given
> enough time for
> gases/vapors to bleed off. Any comments?
> Rob
> My Zen Moment for the Day: Duct tape is like the
> "Force." It has a light
> side and a dark side, and it holds the universe
> together.
> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built
> between 1941 and 1959
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oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959