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Re: [Nobbc] FRONT PLATES AND THE NOBBC!! Fw: California Traffic

To: "North Bay British Car Club" <>
Subject: Re: [Nobbc] FRONT PLATES AND THE NOBBC!! Fw: California Traffic
From: "Mike Gianandrea" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 13:47:36 -0800
Hi Tom,

I sent an article to the club server recently stating all the new fines and 
changes, and yes they are getting severe. But in addition to that, the cops 
are out for anything and everything. I was stopped one night in my 87 Camaro 
going home from work, seems a cop pulled up behind me at a stop light, then 
pulled me over at random and ran my plate. I asked why he stopped me, and he 
said just checking, you registration expires later this month. Moral of the 
story, be ready, they are out for anything and everything.

64 TR4
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Reier" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 12:34 PM
Subject: [Nobbc] FRONT PLATES AND THE NOBBC!! Fw: California Traffic Tickets 
Fines Effective 01/06/2011

> Ah, VC 5200 and Lake County with the NOBBC....(sung)
> "Meeeemoooooooriiieeees!"
>   I have HEARD, but cannot find it in print, that the fine on this has 
> gone
> up (this $178 may be the new fine?) and that it is now a stoppable 
> offense. In
> the past, it was a "fix it ticket" that was not a primary cause of a stop 
> by
> law enforcement. Another words, IF you were caught speeding, and the 
> officer
> noted your lack of front plate, he'd write you up. But he wouldn't STOP 
> you
> simply for lack of a front plate with all else being legal.
>    Anybody know anything about this possible change? I can't find it 
> online,
> so I'm thinking it's just talk.
>    I have NOT had a front license plate on any of my vehicles in thirty
> years. OK, my old 62 Mini Cooper had the UK plate up front, CA plate on 
> the
> back. I was never bothered by leo's on that one.
>    I have no front plate on my 07 Mini Cooper S. But if it' going to cost 
> me
> over two hundred dollars (you know it's going to be way over 200 dollars 
> when
> they put the ADMINISTRATIVE FEES on top of that $178 fine) I'm going to 
> put on
> this trick mount I have that allows mounting on the tow hook mount in the
> bumper, rather than drilling and mounting an ugly license plate 
> permanently.
>    Frankly, with the CA budget in ruins, I'm surprised we're not saving 
> the
> cost of pressing those plates and going with a single rear plate only. 
> Lots of
> states don't require a front plate.
>                                                    Tom R
>> From:
>> To:
>> Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 17:53:38 -0800
>> Subject: [Nobbc] Fw: California Traffic Tickets Fines Effective 
>> 01/06/2011
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: RACER BUD
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 9:58 AM
>> Subject: Fw: California Traffic Tickets Fines Effective 01/06/2011
>> thanks to CHARLI 'THE GRAPE' MONROE for the following.
>> Racer Bud
>>     In case you live here or are going to visit,
>>                                 --
>>                                 ***************
>>                                 BE VERY CAREFUL OUT THERE!
>>                                 THE LOS ANGELES TIMES HAS AN ARTICLE ON 
>> THE
>>                                 "FLOORING IT ON CAR FINES".  PASS IT ON 
>> TO
>>                                 HUGE California Traffic Tickets Fines
>> Effective 01/06/2011
>>                                 Please be extremely careful in your 
>> driving
>> and car registration & insurance matters.  State of California is broke 
>> and
>> they are trying hard to squeeze all of us hard to collect money.
>>                                 Effective immediately, if you do not stop
> at
>> the red light, be ready to pay $436 in fines or if you pass a school bus
> with
>> flashing red signals, you will be charged $616.  The state of California 
>> is
>> going for blood, so be extra careful in driving, You cannot afford 
>> messing
>> with them.  I have been hearing that Highway Patrols are under pressure 
>> to
>> issue a lot more tickets than last year with at least 30% increase in 
>> fines
>> over 2009, so beware of radar guns, highway and traffic cameras installed
>> everywhere and the tougher enforcement of parking rules.
>>                                 Just for your info, the next time you 
>> park
> in
>> the handicapped zone, even for a minute, you will be looking at almost $
> 1000
>> in parking tickets, so it'd better be worth it.
>>                                 California needs money, so pay close
> attention
>> to the rules of the road!
>>                                           Traffic Ticket Fines (Effective
>> 01/06/2011)
>>                                 VC 12814.6    $214           Failure to
> obey
>> license provisions.
>>                                 VC 14600(A)     $214         Failure to
> notify
>> DMV of address change within 10 days
>>                                 Note: The fine may be reduced with valid
> proof
>> of correction.
>>                                 VC 16028(A)     $796         Failure to
>> provide evidence of financial responsibility (insurance)
>>                                 Note: This fine may be reduced with proof
> of
>> insurance on or after the violation date.
>>                                 VC 21453(A)     $436         Failure to
> stop
>> at a red signal.
>>                                 VC 22349           $214        Unsafe
> speed,
>> 1 to 15 miles over the limit.
>>                                 VC 22350           $328         Unsafe
> speed,
>> 16 to 25 miles over the limit.
>>                                 VC 22450           $214         Failure 
>> to
>> stop at a stop sign.
>>                                 VC 22454(A)      $616        Passing a
> school
>> bus with flashing red signals.
>>                                 VC 23123(A)      $148        Driving 
>> while
>> using a wireless phone not hands free, first offense .
>>                                                                        I
> know
>> someone who got this and it ending up being $274
>>                                 VC 23123(B)      $256        Driving 
>> while
>> using a wireless phone not hands free, each subsequent offense.
>>                                 VC 23123.5        $148        Driving 
>> while
>> using a wireless device to send, read or write text.
>>                                 VC 23124            $148       Minor
> driving
>> while using a wireless phone.
>>                                 VC 22500            $976       Parking in 
>> a
>> bus loading area.
>>                                 VC 22507(A)       $976       Violation of
>> disabled parking provisions, first offense.
>>                                 VC 22507(B)     $1876       Violation of
>> disabled parking provisions, second offense.
>>                                 VC 26708            $178        Unlawful
>> material on vehicle windows.
>>                                 VC 27150            $178        Adequate
>> muffler required.
>>                                 VC 27315            $148        Mandatory
> use
>> of seat belts.
>>                                 VC 27360            $436        Mandatory
> use
>> of passenger child restraints.
>>                                 Note: This fine may be reduced by 
>> completing
> a
>> court authorized child seat diversion program .
>>                                 VC 27400            $178        Headsets 
>> or
>> Earplugs covering both ears.
>>                                 VC 27803            $178        Violation
> of
>> motorcycle safety helmet requirements.
>>                                 VC 34506            $616 
>> Commercial
>> Driver - Log book violation.
>>                                 VC 4000              $256        No
> evidence
>> of current registration.
>>                                 Note: The fine may be reduced with valid
> proof
>> of correction.
>>                                 VC 5200             $178         Proper
>> display of license plates.
>>                                 Note: The fine may be reduced with valid
> proof
>> of correction.
>>                                 VC 9400             $178 
>> Commercial
>> weight fees due.
>>                                 Note: The fine may be reduced with valid
> proof
>> of correction Look out for the money grabbers in Sacramento but donbt
> blame
>> the cops. They donbt set the fines or collect them!
>>                                 **********************************
>>     =
>>   Daniel Desmond
>>   =
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