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[Nobbc] cobbc colorado-08 first ride.

To: "North Bay British Car Club" <>
Subject: [Nobbc] cobbc colorado-08 first ride.
From: "Steve Lehmann" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 20:23:35 -0700
co. b.b.c. will have this years first get together this sunday at 9:00 a.m.-
we will meet at w.14th and so. taft at king soopers lot.
we will travel so. to lyons to "hook up w/ phil houhow (sp) (morgan cars
denver) and then onward to some semi high roads to nederland for lunch-return
down via boulder canyon to the flatlands.
it,s still winter here but........
weather forcast for near 60 for this sunday before going back to 40s for the
still gravel and some residual sodium cloride on roads.
this late breaking weather forcast has given very short time planning at best
for this ride.
ride should end at phills house to have a look at the new aero 8 morgan he is
so there you have it nobbc-
co.b.b.c. is trying to warm up and get a jump start on springtime.
we are still fighting the challenges of the northern colorado brit car tour
club (they charge dues and fees)-but not to worry-
nobbc had a sad forcast at it,s coception from another sonoma co. sports car
(words to me-dont waste your time steve,it,s been tryed before)
(wish i had that on tape!!!)
it just takes time and a few good clear thinking skulls .
co.b.b.c. does have a few hardey souls-
it,s going to be an uphill fight but in the end a dues free brit. car club on
the front range will come into being.-
due to weather up here time is always short-
we will see what sunday 9:00 a.m. brings.
photos can be had via e-mail apon request.
link to me via nobbc website.
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