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To: Morgan List <>
Subject: SUVs
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 09:43:40 -0500
Hi Chuck and Tony,

I too have never understood this infatuation with SUVs you both complain
about. Frankly, during the winter, there is not much difference between
an SUV with all season tires and a front wheel drive vehicle save that
the SUV gobbles more gas. There is no difference when braking.

However, with winter tires (or even better studded winter tires), they
keep areas more mountainous then New Jersey or Manitoba open. I, my
wife, my daughter, my brother, the school bus, the mailman, the fact everyone who can, drives a SUV..simply because it is
hard to live here without one. In my case, I couldn't turn in my parking
lot let alone get up the first hill without one. 

This doesn't, of course, mean I love them and it shouldn't cause you to
dislike me.  After all, in the summer, my headlights are no higher than
my Morgan's.


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