I recently fired up the engine on the Plus Four I'm restoring. It's probably
been 4 to 6 months since it was last run. In the past, oil pressure has been
normal. This time, the gauge needle wouldn't budge. I shut it off right
away and tried starting it again. Still, no oil pressure reading. Then, I
disconnected the oil line leading to the gauge and started the car. Oil was
flowing through the open line, but not at any great rate. Enough to shoot
about 2 or so inches before drooping to the ground. Does it sound like I
have an oil pressure problem, or is the gauge the likely problem? Can anyone
suggest a fix? I've considered taking the oil pressure relief valve out and
cleaning it, but my ideas peter out at that point. The engine's a fresh
rebuild by someone who knows Morgans very well and the oil level is right up
Bill Wilkman
1959 Mog Plus Four