Thank you for the welcome.
Simon - it's interesting that you regard the car as suitable for everyday
transport; every one I've seen has had fantastically low mileage whatever
its age and I thought they might be Sunday only cars. Talking about Sundays,
last weekend I peered through the glass of 'FW Douglas'(?) in Ealing, West
London - must be the nearest dealer to me - to get an idea of price. I left
as keen as ever!
Jeremy - thanks for the advice. I've already decided to find myself a garage
before purchasing a car and wouldn't expect to do more than 10K miles a year
tops. Your quoted running costs must be less than half of my current
outgoings (Vauxhall Frontera (?)). My strange idea is to sell my car and
purchase a scooter for the journeys to work; start saving and eventually buy
a late spec used Morgan. I'd imagine leaving most of the servicing to the
dealer. Lastly, a great idea to rent - but where from?
Thanks all..
Ideal Hardware plc
+44 181 286 5000
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