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To: "J.D. Welch" <>, <>
Subject: Re: CAR & DRIVER
From: "Stuart J. Ross" <>
Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 07:52:53 -0400
I haven't read the Car & Driver article yet. Regarding Peter Morgan's
comments, I would say that it isn't the US buyers that have hurt the Morgan
market. It is all the EPA regs as starters. Talk to any recent buyer in the
States to discover all of the time, effort and money spent to federalize
their car. Next, it could be the hefty price of the new cars that
discourages many potential American buyers. After the flap in the 70's over
crash testing and propane, etc I would guess that Pickersleigh Road learned
to survive without the US market, and now reralizes that they can continue
selling cars with only a token number going to America. They do, however,
seem to get cars over here in a shorter waiting time than for British
buyers. The people I know who ordered new cars had about a year to wait
compared to the five to seven years for domestic orders in GB. I suspect
that if it became easier to federalize, shorter to wait, and a bit les
pricey the market for new cars here in the USA would once again become a
significant part of Malvern's production.
But why pay $70,000 or more when there are well maintained older cars on the
market, or new cars such as a Boxter (at much less money)? I am sure that
one of the newest Morgan buyers out there in cyberspace (are you listening
Mr. Lamb?) will add their tup'pence to this dialogue.
----- Original Message -----
From: J.D. Welch <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 1999 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: CAR & DRIVER

> I just read it yesterday.  It's a pretty good article, except for the
> end of one section where, talking about the recently USA-approved
> models, Peter Morgan said (and I paraphrase), "We don't need the US.  It
> could go away tomorrow and we wouldn't notice it."
> Nice, huh?  How does it make you feel, tried and true Morgan
> enthusiasts?  From my perch on the sidelines, it stings a bit.
> wrote:
> >
> > The June 99 issue includes a several page article on the new Morgan.  I
> > haven't seen it yet but you may want to look out for it.
> > John Rogers
> > 65+4

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