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Re: Speedo Drive Gear/Moss Box

To: Jeff Webster <>,
Subject: Re: Speedo Drive Gear/Moss Box
From: Bob Nogueira <>
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 99 21:35:16 -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

    Jeff sounds like the top cap of your speedo drive bronze sleeve is
missing. I believe the sleeve has a cap that screws on to the female
threated base and has a male threaded head which accepts the cable .
 ( Rutter lists the same part for all  Moss boxes from 52 to 72 )

Bob Nogueira 

-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

> Date: Thursday, 08-Apr-99 10:47 PM
> From: Jeff Webster             \ Internet:    (
> To:   MORGANS                  \ Internet:    (
> Subject: Speedo Drive Gear/Moss Box
> Hi All,
> Firstly, let me thank everyone of you for your input and advice, I often
> receive several replies - and believe me - YOU ARE HELPING!
> Perhaps someone could help me with this one.
> On the speedo drive gear thing (that being the bit that one attaches your
> speedo cable to, on the side of the Moss box) - I removed and cleaned it
> this evening, I have the brass bit - however, mine has a 'female thread'
> to put it another way, it's made to have the speedo cable knurl nut screw
> 'into' it rather than 'onto' it. Do you follow?
> I don't know if it is of importance, but my car left the factory with a
> earlier gearbox than others that were shipped at the same time. So perhaps
> there was something different about 1957 or late 56  gearboxes?
> Does anyone else have a drive gear housing like this? Let me know.
> Another question I just thought I'd ask....I don't suppose anyone
> their 16" steel wheel Morgan to a 15" wire wheel car - and they happen to
> have some part worn 16" tires for sale?
> Five new tires at $160 a pop is gonna kill me! Not to mention my budget.
> Kind regards,
> Jeff

-------- REPLY, End of original message --------

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