I hate to ask the obvious but have you tried refilling them? On my last +8
the levers went, I planned to replace them but my (official) dealers (F. H.
Douglass) recommended refilling. Cost me the price of a beer and worked
until I sold the car some years later.
From: Joseph DeLuca[SMTP:DELUCAJ@mops.wl.com]
Sent: 12, August, 1997 14:58
To: morgans
Subject: Re: When Armstrong shocks go bad...
>> Hi folks - As I was tooling along over the wkd going kerrrr plunk over
>> road seam, the thought occurred to me "...how would I know if my rear
>> needed replacing?"
>> Thanks,
>> Dave (oh my aching back) McCoy
Hello Dave,
That's an easy question to answer because my Mog needs rears shocks right
I know this because the filler-nut on the top of the rear axle is trying to
wear away a hole in the wooden hatch directly above it.
also, the driveshaft rubs more loudly than ever on the driveshaft tunnel.
It rubs somewhat in the best of times on hard cornering, but when the
shocks are floppy, it rubs even on normal acceleration from a standing
Before replacing the shocks, however, check to see if the $*&% Whitworth
nuts that hold them in place are tight. My continually come adrift to the
point where I finally drilled and safety-wired the little so-and-so's.
The current market price for rear Armstrong levers are:
Morgan Spares: 518-789-3877
$199 each for new from Morgan factory
$107 each to rebuild your shock (about 2 week turnaround - UPS permitting)
$117 each to rebuild with heavy duty valving (very stiff)
Olde Worlde Restorations 215-947-8720
Price unknown - Penny didn't return my phone call from yesterday, but in
addition to new shocks, she sells a Spax tube shock conversion kit.
Does anyone know a cheaper source than Morgan Spares?
Joe DeLuca
Sparta, NJ
'62 yellow 4/4