I would be happy to mail a Xerox copy of the ad, what is your USnail address?
The ad is quite small, has a line drawing, drawings showing the mirror at
different heigths and two addresses:
Machiel Kalf, Bonkclaar 15, 1633 GN AVENHORN, HOLLAND
Tel & Fax: 0229-543539 (I believe he is the "inventor". He speaks English)
Contact person for U.K.
Keith Robinson, Mere House, THe Street, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7DJ UK
Hey Joe,
Here is a copy of the address of the ad advertising that center-post mirror...
I looked at it, and it was ~ $120 a year ago... I thought a tad high... Anyway,
you might write to them if you're interested...
Tony McLaughlin