On Tue, 18 Feb 1997 11:07:32 -0500 David wrote:
> Fellow Morganeers,
> I am currently preping my body frame for mounting to chassis. Due to the
> poor condition of the original body, I purchased a body from the factory.
> I read that an additional way to preserve the wood was to paint the wood.
> I purchased a brand of marine paint called Easypoxy manufactured by Pettit.
> Originally I had planned to only paint the underside of the sealboards and
> inside the rear wheel well. Recently I was speaking to John Sheally about
> my restoration. He suggested that I paint the entire frame. He used sign
> painters' enamel on his cars' wood.
> I read in Alan Alderwick book ( How to Restore Wooden Body Framing ) that
> paint should breath. The author said that wood that didn't breath would
> excelerate rot. I called Pettit about the paints I was using. The
> information I got was that their marine paints was a sealent. I was asked
> the condition of the wood which I described as fairly fresh and in good
> shape. He said that as long as the wood didn't stay wet that I should not
> have a problem. He also said that the marine paint would seal air from
> the wood, and that it was in constant use by boat builders.
> I am trying to avoid the potential of destroying the wood by my efforts to
> preserve it. My question to anyone out there who may have knowledge or
> first hand experience in this matter are the following questions.
> 1. Has anyone used marine paints on wood body framing?
> 2. Was the paint the type that sealed wood from outside air?
> 3. How long ago was the painting done?
> 4. Have you noticed any rot in areas where paint was applied?
> Again I have come up with a long drawn out list of question.
> Morgan dittos,
I used West System Epoxy on my wood. I had the entire tub taken
apart and painted each piece with the epoxy, sanded it, and applied a
2nd coat. My wood was done in 90.
The boat builders have been using West system epoxy for quite some
time to fix the wooden boats. I figured if it was good enough for
them, it should work on the Morgan.
John T. Blair (WA4OHZ) - jblair@massolant.navy.mil
NAVMASSO Code 331 - Phone (804) 523-8133 (Comm)
1441 Crossways Blvd. 565-8133 (DSN)
Chesapeake, VA. 23320-2843