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[Mgs] oil pressure delay question

Subject: [Mgs] oil pressure delay question
From: Don <>
Date: Sun, 12 May 2013 09:56:55 -0700
References: <>
On the subject of oil pressure delay . . .  My MGs have this issue to 
some extent, but at least I can monitor engine speed with the choke 
knob, and keep RPMs very low until I see the gauge begins showing oil pressure.

I have a '01 Miata with only 18k miles on the car.  If it sits for a 
few days, and I start it, the engine would race and I could hear all 
kinds of rattling going on.  I know it's lack of oil pressure causing 
this for a few moments.  It was a helpless feeling because I couldn't 
reduce RPMs since everything is automated.  I must have had some kind 
of psychic revelation or something, but I figured out a 
solution.  When I first crank the engine, I hold the gas pedal to the 
floor for a few moments and the engine does not fire.   Then I crank 
the car again but with my foot off the gas pedal.  It starts then, 
but has had oil pressure build up from the first cranking, because I 
don't get the rattling sounds now.  Not sure why the engine does not 
start with gas pedal to the floor, but I think this procedure will 
save my engine from an early demise.


Don Scott,  Calistoga CA USA
1955 MGTF, 1962 MGA Mk 2, 1967 MGB, 1963-7 MGB (seeking), Misc. Japanese cars  

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