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[Mgs] MGA door pillar spacing

Subject: [Mgs] MGA door pillar spacing
From: enquiries at (Tom McCay - Classic-Car-World Ltd)
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 19:53:48 +0100
Hi guys, I'm in the process of starting to strip down my latest project (MK1
MGA1600). The car would appear to be original but in need of a full body off
rebuild with the usual repairs. I'm making a set of door gap bracing out of 1"
square box section to keep the body ridged when I lift it off the chassis. The
bracing will be welded to plates which will be screwed to the hinge mounting
points and the door shut mounting. Measuring everything up I currently have a
1/4" difference between the near side and the off side door gaps when measured
between the inside edges at the top of the A & B pillars. The measurements I
have are 30" & 30+1/4".

Does anyone have the measurements as they should be or a car which is correct
and can take the measurements for me please?

Many thanks

MK1 MGA 1600
AH 3000 BJ8
Classic Mini Park Lane.

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