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[Mgs] MGA air hoses?

Subject: [Mgs] MGA air hoses?
From: david_breneman at (David Breneman)
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 11:56:52 -0700 (PDT)
References: <> <>
 From: Barney Gaylord <barneymg at>

> It is tough to tke a picture
in that area with an assembled car.  I can tell you 
> that the original bolt
for the forward P-clip goes through the horizontal air 
> pan in the outboard
corner near the body mount.  You need to form the hose to 
> fit first, push
it onto the top connector pipe, then position the P-clip and 
> install the
bolt last.  It is a lot easier if the grille is not in place at the 
> time. 
That bolt has given me so much grief over the years that I drilled 
> another
hole inboard from the hose and turned the P-clip around to make life 

This is the way mine was done, at the bottom of the page linked
I seem to remember Barney commenting on this a few years ago, but I
don't remember if he said if it's correct or it's somehow wrong...

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