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Re: [Mgs] Stripped valve adjuster screw

To: "Peter Schauss" <>,
Subject: Re: [Mgs] Stripped valve adjuster screw
From: Barney Gaylord <>
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 11:57:34 -0500
The ball end is larger than the thread, so it will not come out the 
top, must go out the bottom.  Start by backing the adjustment all the 
way back for maximum clearance, then push the rocker arm to one side 
(compressing the thin spring on the rocker shaft).  For the first or 
last arm you need to remove the split pin and washers to pull the arm 
off the end of the shaft.  You might have to compress the valve 
spring slightly to allow the ball to clear the end of the 
pushrod.  Once the arm is clear of the pushrod you can run the screw 
out the bottom.  No need to remove the rocker shaft assembly or to 
disturb any head bolts.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

At 10:53 AM 8/13/2011 -0400, Peter Schauss wrote:
>I managed to strip one of the valve adjuster screws on my 1980 MGB and would
>like to replace it.  I tried removing it from the top of the rocker arm but
>I get significant resistance as the bottom of the screw gets to the bottom
>of the hole in the rocker arm.  Is it supposed to come out that way or do I
>have to remove the entire rocker arm assembly in order to screw the adjuster
>out from the bottom?
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