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Re: [Mgs] Safety Fast Jack

Subject: Re: [Mgs] Safety Fast Jack
From: Bob Shaw <>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 21:53:11 -0600
Years ago a friend, Shorty Koch, also a machinist and mechanic who had  
several MGs died quickly. Another friend, Bob Allen replied that we  
should all be so lucky as Shorty. He had his adventures and they went  
away like an old light bulb. We are losing too many of those good old  
boys. God Bless you Jack and Safety Fast.

On Nov 13, 2009, at 2:45 PM, DONALD TOY wrote:

> Listers,
> There was an MG garage in Monroeville, PA outside of Pittsburgh  
> called Lombard
> Motors. The mechanic there was John "Jack" Greggerson. Jack worked  
> there when
> they stopped selling MG's in 1980 and began selling Saab's, he was a  
> Saab
> master mechanic. He worked there after they stopped selling Saabs  
> and started
> selling speed boats, he worked on those, too. It then became a  
> Johnson the
> Florist and Jack stayed on to service the fleet of vans. My wife had  
> fallen in
> love with Saabs. She keeps a fleet of early 90's Saab 900's and Jack  
> kept them
> all running. She also feel in love with the kindly old fella that  
> seemed to
> reside in the basement of Lombards. This year was the year I finally  
> decided
> to have the noisy gearbox in the TF rebuilt. Jack took all the parts  
> from the
> spare and the transmission from the MG ( I already had a new 1st,  
> 2nd, and
> cluster gears ) and made one good transmission out of the two. Jack  
> charged me
> $50. Jack passed away this week at 80. They found him under a car  
> with a
> wrench in his hand. He suffered a massive heart attack. If only I  
> could go
> that way. Doing what made me happy. Jack leaves behind an old Mini  
> Cooper and
> an MG TD. Safety Fast Jack.
> Don Toy
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> Support Team.Net

Bob Shaw

My MGA is NOT leaking - merely marking it's territory!


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