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Re: [Mgs] Excessive Voltage?

Subject: Re: [Mgs] Excessive Voltage?
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 07:13:25 EDT
Thank-you (all) for the responses!  The immediate question (I confess)  was 
regarding the ballasted TR6 with an electronic igniter.  I learned  after I 
purchased the ballasted coil the resister had been  by-passed.  
I am using a digital multimeter, so coil voltage might have been be  
distorted when the car is running.  I measure 6 volts on the coil side of  the 
resister and on the positive terminal of the coil when the car is not  running. 
 My question about running voltages is answered - thanks  again.  I did 
discover low voltage (12.6v with car running) on  the 1972 MGB when I was 
comparing running voltages, so that's my next  concern!
S. Hughes
In a message dated 8/6/2009 5:13:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, Daybell7  

Greetings MG'ers,  
I've installed a generic ballast resister in my ignition circuit and  
voltage is correct while the car is not running: 12+ volts & 6  volts.  When 
car is running, I measure 13+ volts on the ignition  side of the resister 
and 11+ on the coil side and at the coil.  Is this  correct?
Also, does the voltage regulator affect the operating voltage of the car  
generally, or just the charging system?
I thought voltage throughout the car should not exceed battery  voltage, 
i.e. 12.6V.  
Thanks in advance,
Steve Hughes
Gainesville, FL
MGB 1972
MGB-GT 1968
TR6 1973
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