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Re: [Mgs] "High rev'ing" MGA carb

To: "Robert J. Guinness" <>, "MG List"
Subject: Re: [Mgs] "High rev'ing" MGA carb
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 15:25:11 +0100
I don't know about the MGA but this can happen on the MGB if the
interconnecting shaft clamps have been tightened before the carbs have been
set up.  This can be holding one butterfly open much more than the other.
Make sure it is nothing external like the linkages, cable, idle and fast idle
screws before dismantling.   The only way you can get a high idle is if the
throttle butterfly isn't fully closing off the throat, or possibly from worn
spindle and bushes where the mixture is bypassing the fully closed butterfly.
It's not because of the jet.

  ----- Original Message -----
  ...  It appears that the rear carb is causing the high
  revs.  If I block about 80% of the rear carb's air inlet, it calms down
  to around 1500 .  The front carb is behaving appropriately.  I assume I
  have issues with the jet because the adjusting nut will not tighten.
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