Eric wrote:
> Hell, I am likely to just hammer the darn thing back in if they are not
> careful :-)
OK, guys, just sit back and follow this "public" train of thought of the newbie.
Yep - it looks like this wacky looking "bolt" is a "customer built" plug
for that hole. So, yes, I have just HAMmERED THE THING BACK IN (with a
bit of gasket goo to make the seal nice). And it seems I am back on track.
Anyone else run lean enough to backfire one of these little suckers out before?
Obviously first time for me :-)
Car is now runing and drivable for the first time in a while. Next I
will get my little "performance tuning" friends to do their job (all
these hassles gave me time to work on some body stuff and general
tidying up) and this sucker is going back on the track in two weeks.
What's that? You think I should get someone who knows what they are
doing to check over all this work?
Nahhh, I am the expert now (ha ha ha).
Adelaide, South Australia