Yeah, I would love to give you a more specific subject line but I can't.
Carbies on and start the tuning process. Engine hasn't been started in
a couple of months and really cold weather here so, with out-of-tune HS4
carbies and an engine that was never that easy to start in the first
place, I laugh at the tuning instructions that say "bring your engine up
to operating temperature". Yep, but starting the engine is the first
thing, right (or do a start a small fire under the block to warm it up
first :-)
Anyway, with a freshly charged battery and some "starter" spray I get
her to kick over - woohoo.
I get the carbies (jets) roughly into some sort of position where the
engine can run for a moment or two (pretty roughly) to get oil pressure
and temperature up just a little.
Oh and I get nervous about the starter motor that I just put back in...
did I really tighten those bolts up? With the newly found confidence
gained from a little experience I roll under the car and test the bottom
bolt on the starter.. good ... and then rip the cap off the dizzy to
make reaching the top bolt (with a socket extension) easier, too. Ahhh,
it was a turn away from tight.
Now in a hurry (it is getting late) I throw back on the leads that fell
off the dizzy cap, put the cap back on and get back to my tuning.
Start the car - woohoo... starts first time. But gee, it is a little
rougher than before. I give it a little rev (really, just a little
rev... not 3000 or anything) and... BANG!
Oooops, something broke! More language that turns the air a deeper
shade of blue!
At this moment all I can tell you is I have the TOP of the middle "bolt"
of the inlet manifold in my hand (head and about 1/2 or 3/4 inch of
body). No noises from the engine as I turn it over... just a air hole
that shouldn't be there so no start.
I have calmly walked away from the car for the moment.
Any thoughts?
Adelaide, South Australia