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Re: SU float bowls flooding

To: Larry Daniels <>,,
Subject: Re: SU float bowls flooding
From: "Paul M." <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 10:16:19 -0700 (PDT)
--- Larry Daniels <> wrote:
> While there isn't much we can do about that now,
> we can stop this from happening to someone else
> down the line. If we had had a list of reputable
> and fair vs. disreputable and unfair

I love this idea.  Because I've had a lot of good
experiences too, especially with eBay sellers.  And
I'm dying to find a good shop in the greater Charlotte
area.  Maybe not even an MG specialty place, but at
least a place with knowledeable and fair technicians
who can figure things out and don't try to rip you

Heck, it doesn;'t even have to be a SHOP.  Sometimes
the best guys are just working out of their homes,
doing work on the side.  Whatever.  I'm not picky...

Paul Misencik - 1971 MGB -

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of the Mille Miglia, Rallye des Alpes,
and Colorado Grand.
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