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Re: Spam Spam Spam

Subject: Re: Spam Spam Spam
From: Eric <>
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2004 03:00:40 +1030
David Councill wrote:
> X-SpamDetect-Info: ------------- Start SmiteSpam results ---------------
> X-SpamDetect-Info: This message may be spam. This message BODY has been 
>altered so
> X-SpamDetect-Info: your mail client can be set to filter it, see 
> X-SpamDetect: ****: 4.800000 Hidden (Viagra)=1.9,Viagra not 
>hidden=1.0,Mentions viagra=1.9
> X-SpamDetect-Info: ------------- End SmiteSpam results ---------------
> I haven't noticed any spam from the MG  list. Actually I no longer get much
> spam but that is mostly because my Internet service provider offers us a
> filter through postini that gets rid of most spam before it makes it to my
> mail.

Ha!  Just to show you how well modern technology works, David mentioned
a few of those magic words in his mail and see what my ISP's SPAM
filtering did (see above).  We can choose to have these message DELETED
FROM THE SERVER END or HELD ON THE MAIL SERVER for review (delete or let
them come through) or we can select to have all mail come through but
have suspected SPAM labelled as per the above so we can filter it on our
own machines.

As you can see, it is sensitive to the word VIAGRA (and hence this mail
when it comes back will also be tagged like this).

Adelaide, South Australia

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